Selecting a Greenie of the Month is a tradition we hold at Vertical Harvest in our Jackson Hole greenhouse. Each month our entire team votes on an individual that exemplifies the VH pillars. The chosen individual is celebrated and given a hand-made card signed by the entire team. This tradition helps us uphold our GrowWell values and recognize the outstanding actions of our coworkers. Whether it is showing up for someone as a friend, bringing positive energy into the farm, or taking on a challenge to support the mission.. our greenies are recognizable for so many reasons!
May 2024
Sean Stone | Facilities Lead
Sean sets such a great example for our team. He comes in and gets things done, knows our building inside and out, and takes great pride in his work. Sean does an amazing job of representing Vertical Harvest within our company and in the community. We are lucky to have him, I’m not sure how we’d function without him!
Sean is a working machine! He is happy to jump into any project that he can, and it is clear that he takes pride in the work that he does. Whether it is keeping our sidewalk snow-free, keeping our greenhouse fixed up, or, on the rare occasion jumping into packaging workflow, it Is clear that Sean comes to work ready to get the job done. This is all to say nothing of his great sense of humor and the endlessly groove-able pandora stations. Thank you for all you do!
April 2024
Thibaud Sanchez | Farm Associate
Thibaud Sanchez is our Greenie of the Month for April! He is an amazing part of our team and is very deserving of this award. Here are a few things our team had to say about Thibaud…
I voted for Thibaud because he is full of knowledge and he has good fashion intakes and he is very positive and he is a good friend to have. We are so lucky to have him on our team at Vertical Harvest.
March 2024
Dre Estay | Farm Associate
“She helped me learn to do lettuce seeding in the first day of full work.”
February 2024
Riley Doyle | Fulfillment & Customer Experience Lead
“When Riley joined us it was seamless! He seemed to fit in right away and got to work. He has been a great addition to the fulfillment team!”
January 2024
Nathan Watson | Head Grower
“Nathan has always been a model of hard work and dedication, but recently he has contributed even more to this team. His positive outlook and motivation to get things done the past few months has been incredible, especially since the greenhouse has been going through so much change. He shows up every day willing to tackle whatever problem/question needs to be solved. This is what true leadership is: courage when things are difficult. Thank you Nathan for modeling all of these things for all of us.”
“Nathan is such a wonderful person to work with. His calm, patient presence grounds us all on the days that feel extra hectic in the farm. It has been incredible to see his growth over the years – from working part time in the packaging room (bumping tunes and rocking Hawaiian shirts of course) to his role as Head Grower. The Jackson farm would not be in the state it’s in today without his leadership, drive to learn, and commitment to the overall company. I’m excited to see how Nathan continues to grow his leadership running a new food safety program and beyond – thank you for the energy and commitment you bring to our team!”
“Nathan exemplifies what it means to lead. He always brings a “how can I help attitude”; never afraid to ask for/seek help; looks for ways to grow. He may be on the quieter side, but don’t let that fool you. His heart is much louder than his voice. And that laugh … is there anything better??!! Thank you for how you show up in the Greenhouse, especially these last few months! Our future, and Green Power team, will be better because of you!”
November 2023
Emily Churchill | Director of Growing & Food Safety & Customer Experience Lead
Emily “Churchie” has been with Vertical Harvest in Jackson since day one, starting out as a volunteer in 2016 and quickly moving up the ladder, currently as our Director of Growing & Food Safety. Congrats, Churchie! We wouldn’t be where we are today, without you!
Here are a few things that our staff had to say about her…
“We are so glad to have you on our team at Vertical Harvest. We love you so much. Thanks for your hard work.”
“Churchie, you are the friend I knew I always needed, but hadn’t met yet. This wild ride has been awesome with you by my side – teaching, learning, listening! Thank you for your leadership, your laugh, your love of Taylor Swift and being the best math neighbor a girl could ask for. Looking forward to the next chapter. Cheers Love you, Churchie.”
“Congrats on your amazing achievement of Greenie of the Month, Churchie!!! From day one, when we met you as a volunteer, I knew we couldn’t dare to lose you! Thanks for being the best team member, coworker and friend!”
October 2023
Riley Doyle | Fulfillment & Customer Experience Lead
Jumped right in! I believe it was with lettuce processing! Welcome to the group!
Riley works really hard each and everyday, and is always ready to help another person if they need it.
Riley is dedicated to Vertical Harvest.
Riley has jumped in and has been a great new addition to the team.
Riley is very personable, learned fast, and jumped right into the packaging workflow when needed. Welcome to the team Riley!!!
Riley has only been here a few days and he has already gotten so much work done. He’s very productive. I enjoyed getting to know him. I think I might have fun with him in the future.
September 2023
Mathew Baker | Racks Associate
Matthew is such an easy person to work with, he can package, fill a large order in no time at all to get it delivered, and always seems completely unscathed in the process! Way to go, Matthew, you and VH are a good combination! A few more Chai cookies, and I’ll vote for you next month, too!!!
Matthew has been really friendly in all my interactions with him. He is hardworking and focused on his fulfillment duties whenever deliveries need to get out the door. I felt it was about time he was recognized for his positive efforts in the greenhouse. Well done Matthew!
Matthew is hard working, kind and taking on new responsibilities with pride and vigor. I am grateful to have him on our VH team!
Matthew is a very hard worker when when it comes to making sure that everything is in order for the next day
Matthew is such a genuine and thoughtful person. I feel like he really cares about every conversation we have. He greets everyone in the greenhouse with positive energy and warmth. He is an integral part of our Growing team, and keeps Comp 5 running day in and day out. Thank you Matthew for all your hard work.
August 2023
SAMMI LABOUNTA | Sr. Farm Associate
I have seen growth from Sammi in the past several weeks, and that is so exciting! From supporting Destiny and other team members, to being an active participant in greenhouse activities, Sammi has been crushing it! It’s truly awesome to see. Keep it up Sammi!
Sammi is a hard worker and I feel that she needs to be recognized for all her hard work and organization that she has done in the packaging department!!!!
Sammi has shown noticeable growth and leadership in the packaging room recently and deserves the recognition. Keep up the great work, Sammi!!
I love seeing how Sammi shows her motivation for the work that she does in unique and personal ways. She is so dedicated to organization, but keeps it fun with brightly colored sticky notes, sharpies and fun packaging supplies. Sammie embodies the family feel of Vertical Harvest; she cares about her people deeply and that compassion is felt. Thank you for being such a rock in packaging Sammi, especially in the last few months. Keep up the great work!
Sammi has been working at Vertical Harvest since the early days. She has been committed to the greenhouse and the growth of Vertical Harvest since she started. Sammi has also been working hard on her professional and personal development since working at VH. I am impressed by all that she has accomplished and in the growth she has made since working at Vertical Harvest.
June 2023
SCOTT ESTAY | Facilities Maintenance Technician
I have known Scott for over a decade, but I’ve just been coming to get to know him since he started working at the greenhouse. Since he started, he has been nothing short of amazing, by never hesitating to fix something in the greenhouse, whether it’s urgent or not. He always gets RIGHT on it! Thanks for joining our team, Scott! I can’t wait to get to know you even more! Congrats!
Scott came into the green house and hit the ground running. He sees what needs to be done and does it. He takes the initiative to give the place that extra little bit of TLC that shows he cares, and he and Sean make a great team. Scott really fits at VH and his pleasant attitude is always appreciated!
Scott has joined our VH community with an energy of willingness, kindness and action. He embodies a “Get er Done” attitude with a thoughtful and inclusive mindset. I am grateful to have his talent in our farm and his personality on our team
I thought I knew of what an example of a hard worker was until Scott started at the greenhouse. He is one of the first in the building every morning, and as soon as he clocks in he is a force that doesn’t slow down until he clocks out at the end of the day. Every time I pass him in the building, I see his eyes wandering and looking for something else he can fix. He is a no nonsense person that takes so much pride in his work and doing so with kindness and a genuine willingness to help make the greenhouse the best it can be.
He’s very helpful!
I hear nothing, but incredible things about him EVERY DAY! I have seen the great work he has done even from afar and appreciate his hard work and dedication!
I voted for Scott because he’s cool! He works very hard for our team.
Scott came into the green house and hit the ground running. He sees what needs to be done and does it. He takes the initiative to give the place that extra little bit of TLC that shows he cares, and he and Sean make a great team. Scott really fits at VH and his pleasant attitude is always appreciated!
Scott just fits in here. He’s been an incredible addition to our team; you can already tell how much he is appreciated. He’s only been here for a short time, but I feel like he’s already done so much, and had such an impact. Thank you Scott for helping our ~diva~ run smoothly! You’re amazing!
I’ve noticed Scott working hard from day one quickly learning the day to day operation of the greenhouse to keep it operating smoothly. I’m not an employee here but I work with the people and to see him dive into the culture and inclusive work environment has been fun to watch as well! Keep rocking Scott!
Scott is a multi-faceted weapon in this greenhouse. Let me tell you, it is a bad day to be a bad bearing when Scott’s around. Quick, Efficient, Considerate. It is such a genuine pleasure to work alongside you Scott, thank you for all that you do!
I’m not sure what plane of reality Scott exists on that enables him to get things done so well and so fast, all while fitting in so well to this team ~ Scott has been an amazing presence in the greenhouse, a presence you can both see and feel from all of the hard work he has already put into this greenhouse of ours. I’m incredibly grateful to have the opportunity to get to know him and be able to work with him more. Way to go Scott – YOU DESERVE IT!
Scott has hit the ground running since day one. He brings a wealth of knowledge and experience to the facilities team. It has been amazing seeing what he has accomplished in these first few months. He is always willing to take on new projects and lend a hand whenever it is needed. His attention to detail does not go unnoticed and he is continuously striving to make this greenhouse a better place for both plants and people. He has been the perfect fit for the facilities department. Thank you Scott for all your hard work!
May 2023
CRYSTAL KOFOED | Farm Associate
Crystal constantly reminds all of us of how to grow food and futures. She strives to do her best day to day. Since working at VH she has learned new skills, new forms of communication and professional development. She cares for the plants and cares for everyone around her.
Talk about STYLE! With her sparkly shoes, nails and rings, Crystal’s got it. It’s been fun to see Crystal hold really fun titles in the farm: queen of cutting pea shoots in Comp 4, a prominent member of Kale Crush and Team Vibe, and now a Comp 5 seeding rockstar. She models accountability, consistency, and has grown so much in adaptability. She leads from behind, often doing her best work without recognition or being watched. Congratulations, Crystal – this is well deserved!
Crystal’s honesty and directness keep us all in check, and she’s such a willing learner. No one gets more excited about getting a job done right than Crystal. Her genuine enthusiasm for cutting the pea shoots is always a highlight of my week. I’m a bit jealous of her five day weekend, and I wish we had more of her time! but when she’s at the farm she’s often working so hard she forgets to drink water. She lifts all of us up.
Crystal has always been a kind, hardworking, team player. I am so impressed by the progression of her persistence, her confidence to take on new tasks, and, above all, her growing VOICE in the greenhouse. I have watched Crystal find her stride and in turn help her teams do the same!
April 2023
TY WARNER | Sr. Farm Associate
Ty guy is an amazing person, all around! He doesn’t waste a second to say hi and ask me how my brother is, when I get to the greenhouse. Ty is also an AMAZING helper, when it comes to carrying things or reaching something for me. Thanks for being such an inspiration to all of us here at VH, Ty! Congrats on your Greenie award!
Ty is the easiest person to work with! He is always willing to try new things ( except for a pair of smaller gloves LOL), and works hard learning how to do things. Even things he said he wouldn’t do, he is NOW doing! He loves his coworkers, and the little inside jokes he has with each. Lettuce head with JoJo, a snort with Sean, whispers with Dre, and his never ending “Where’s Destiny?” And his laugh! Oh that laugh! Can anyone say they don’t smile when they hear it?
Ty brings joy to every day. He has always been a dedicated, consistent, hard-working employee, but recently I have noticed him coming out of his shell more. He has been learning new skills, engaging with more coworkers, and displaying curiosity for everything going on at VH. He has reminded me that, no matter how long you’ve worked at VH, there are always new things to learn. Thank you Ty for being a great example for us all.
Ty GUY. He is everyone’s guy. He is the guy who laughs loud at just about anything you say, the guy who works hard because he wants to do a good job, the guy who picks up people’s trash without saying anything, and the guy who cares about everyone no matter when he has seen them last.
Ty is full of good energy, curiosity and care for his surroundings. I am grateful to have him as a part of this team, and also as a friend. Master of the tomatoes, and an ever growing part of other teams, Ty is an incredible force in each department that is lucky enough to have him. With his boisterous laugh serving as proof, Ty is great at finding the joy and humor in just about every situation, and spreading it to the whole building. Congratulations Ty, and thank you for being such a rockstar!
March 2023
NATHAN WATSON | Carousel & Vining Manager
Nathan is the oil in this grand machine we call the greenhouse. Reserved and respected he keeps the gears moving forward both literally and figuratively. He is always willing to lend a hand and consistently shows up to work everyday with a positive can-do attitude. This award is long overdue, Congrats Nathan!
Nathan is a calming presence in this oftentimes chaotic greenhouse. He makes others feel safe asking for help, and is always willing to step into a department workflow when it’s needed and he is able to. He leads his team with kindness, trust, patience, and understanding. Congratulations Nathan!!!
Nathan is full of laughter!
NIKKI THOMPSON | Grow Well Associate
Hard worker. Good sense of humor. Will do anything for you.
I love that I get to work so closely with Nikki. She was the person who really helped me learn Vertical Harvest, the in’s/the out’s/who we are at the heart, and I am so grateful. She has a twisted sense of humor, which is always a plus in my book. She is flexible and understanding, when I am late, and always willing to help. She is conscientious and reliable to all her co-workers. She greets everyone with an enthusiastic “hiya” which starts every day off right. Congratulations, Nikki! And on International Women’s Day no less.
Nikki’s wonderfully positive and bright attitude is so inspiring and is always amazing to be in the presence of. You can always count on Nikki to give you a welcoming hello. I have loved seeing her in the greenhouse more often and seeing her crush it in the packaging room. Go Nikki!
February 2023
LUCAS FREEZE | Packaging Associate
Lucas’ laugh and smile make my day, he works fast and takes excellent care of his workspace, and of Harvey the harvester (who I’m sure would vote for him too, if he had opposable thumbs and a consciousness). Lucas always keeps everything clean and working well. Congratulations, Lucas!!
I appreciate how Lucas shows up to his life, authentic, real and true. From day one Lucas’s kindness emanated from his eyes and his smile. He is always open to share his views with me and thoughtful in how he gives and receives feedback. I am grateful Lucas is part of our Vertical Harvest community. I hope he feels the love and appreciation of his presence and impact.
Lucas is an incredible team member! I’ve seen him grow so much here at VH, despite the short amount of time that he’s been here. He continuously impresses me with his strength, compassion and willingness to learn. We are so lucky to have him as a part of our team. His easy-natured personality makes it effortless to talk and laugh with him. I’m grateful to call him a friend and coworker:)
I don’t work directly with Lucas but I have observed him as committed to his work and the culture at VH since he began. I feel like this recognition is a long time coming. Congrats Lucas!
He might be quiet and not very loud but he works hard and when he gets hurt by Harvey, he is not afraid to get back at it with Harvey and finish the job at hand. Congrats Lucas you deserve it!!!
Lucas is helpful and is committed on get tasks done.
Lucas is kind and amazing at what he does gets a lot of things done in the short amount of time he is here each day and a joy to work with he is dedicated.
TOBY SMITH | Sr. Facilities Associate
Toby is a STAR. As a star does, he beams. His gravitational pull draws you into his orbit that forms a galaxy of ethereal joy. I am eternally grateful for this star as well as his hard work, dedication and excellence in our greenhouse.
Toby brings a no-nonsense attitude with a healthy dose of humor. If the greenhouse was going down, I’d want him there to bring it back up. His love for plants, people, and the systems that uphold them is undeniable. Spunk, honesty, vulnerability, he’s a great person to work with. So glad that he’s a part of our team!
Toby has been such an integral part of Vertical Harvest from the day he started! He jumped right in with open arms, willing hands, and a smiling face. I am thankful that our diva of a greenhouse has someone as motivated and enthusiastic as Toby looking out for her. It’s especially exciting seeing him think outside the box on how to fix something, sometimes even using sport rock-climbing gear to grease carousel chains. Most notable is Toby’s attitude though, he’s exceptionally friendly, engaged, interested, and always kind. Thanks for being such a key player on our team, Toby, we are lucky to have you!
Toby is an absolute incredible addition to this team. His delightful personality and sense of humor make him very enjoyable to work alongside, and seeing him adapt to the facilities department so quickly is very impressive! It is hard to believe how much he has learned about this facility in the short time that he has been here, and I can only hope he continues to push the envelope on making this building work to the best of its ability! Way to go Toby ~ you absolutely deserve it!
Toby has been an absolutely amazing addition to the Jackson Greenhouse team. He comes to work every day with a huge smile and is always excited and eager to learn. He has a great work ethic and is always willing to lend a helping hand. The facilities department and the greenhouse as a whole is extremely lucky to have Toby as part of our team.
January 2023
JOJO DENMARK | Packaging & Fulfillment Manager
Jojo not only works hard, she cares deeply about all of the people she manages. She listens, even when the day is busy and stressful, and responds thoughtfully. Even though she sometimes throws tomatoes (ouch!), she livens up any room she’s in with her humor and kindness. We are so grateful to have her here and I’m excited to see how she continues to shape our culture in amazing ways.
Jojo is a Vibe. Her exuberance fills a room because she will not let you out of her sight until she has either lovingly harassed you, asked you about your day or has struck you with her magical blue eyes and smile. She exercises patience, acceptance, bravery and strong-will. She does not stray away from a challenge but rather she invites others in to feel a part of the team she has created to succeed.
JoJo leads by caring for those around her with her natural management skills. She has been a fierce advocate for making the packaging room a more welcoming, efficient department. She is such a warm, often goofy, resilient presence in the greenhouse that improves everyone’s day. I am so excited to see what JoJo will accomplish in the new year – congrats JoJo!
JoJo is one of the sweetest people I know, both in the greenhouse and in life, in general. I haven’t worked one on one with her very much, but she’s always willing to bend over backwards to accommodate my needs. Thanks for being you, JoJo, and congrats on this amazing achievement!
JoJo is a natural leader. Her energy is infectious and working hard for her is easy. With JoJo, I know that I am always thought after, and she is unquestioning in her service to her people the Greenhouse. I am blessed to have such a witty, caring, patient, and intelligent manager.
December 2022
KEVIN CROW | Packaging Associate
November 2022
October 2022
NOAH RIAL | Fulfillment Lead
September 2022
CINDY HANNON | Grow Well Director
August 2022
GARY ENDECOTT | Farm Associate
It is hard to believe that Gary is a recent addition to the VH team because of how well he has slipped into the crazy days here at the greenhouse! Gary seems to be in a perpetually great mood, and it is hard not to have his smile infect the room (even through a mask!!) We are glad to have Gary and his positive mindset as a highly valued member of the team. Way to go Gary!!
Gary’s uplifting attitude and willingness to learn new things has had such a positive impact on the packaging team. He’s really fun to be around and is our newest multiplication wizard! We’re so happy to have him as part of our team!
MONIQUE CARDILLO | Local Sales Manager
Monique is committed to problem solving and communicates with everyone in the greenhouse clearly and effectively. She is an outstanding, bright personality to have in the greenhouse and we are so excited to have her on our team!
Monique works so hard to support all of our customers across Jackson, selling our products alongside providing wonderful customer service. She has also been an amazing partner for everyone at the greenhouse as a supportive team player, making sure we’re working together to bring Vertical Harvest to our community!
July 2022

“Thibaud shows up to the greenhouse with energy and warmth. He consistently has a great attitude when performing tasks and while working with a team. We are so happy to have him back on our team, keep shining bright Thibaud!”
“We are very lucky to have Thibaud in the greenhouse! His capability to understand how others are feeling, and the way he holds himself and others accountable, make him a great member of any team effort. And between the classic tunes and thought provoking conversations, it is always a lively work shift when Thibaud is around! He is an extremely genuine guy, very friendly to all both inside and out of work (as long as they are responsible dog owners)!”
“Thibaud is always ready to work with such a positive attitude! He also has such great observations about the world around us…I always love to hear his thoughts.”
June 2022

Congratulations Connor! The VH Team has chosen you as June Greenie of the Month! We are all appreciative of your positive attitude and hard work and love having you on our team!
“Connor is a very hard worker and has made a huge impact on the team since day one. His positive attitude and willingness to learn has been felt throughout the greenhouse. Thank you for everything you have done and keep up the good work!”
March 2022

“Johnny is an absolute powerhouse in the racks department. Not just a superhero of seeding and a king of covering, he is also always thinking of ways to improve the world, or bringing smiles to the faces of his coworkers and friends with quotes and jokes from just about every piece of media you can imagine. Always keeping an eye out for those less fortunate, he is a friend you always appreciate having by your side. Way to go Johnny!”
“Johnny is a hard worker and a fantastic artist! I love how passionate he is about so many things!”

“From his work in both the packaging and fulfillment departments Crocker’s attention to detail and consistency helps the team reach our department goals on time and with efficiency. Thank you for your hard work Crocker- keep it up!”
“Crocker always has great recommendations for movies, shows and books!”
The Vertical Harvest Team has chosen both Tim and Charlotte to be January Greenies of the Month! Thank you for your positive energy, constant hard work, and keeping us all dancing!!
TIM MCLAURIN | Farm Associate

“Tim brings so much happiness, magic and fun to the greenhouse! He is an incredibly hard worker and loves his job. His enthusiasm is contagious and his energy is unstoppable. It is a pleasure working with Tim!”
“Robin is the foundation of the greenhouse. He brings bright energy into the farm every day and is THE best listener. Robin is a great friend, coworker, adventure partner, doggie play dater, and I am so thankful to have him on our team! He is one of a kind!”
“There are so many impressive things about Robin, but what stands out to me is his deep compassion for everyone around him. He treats everyone with respect, kindness and patience. And he loves to laugh and have fun and dance. I am grateful for the way he tackles every obstacle with so much optimism and open-mindedness. We are so lucky to have him as a leader of our greenhouse!”
“Robin’s positive attitude, determined, work, ethic, and compassion of all his co-workers defines VH leadership”
“Robin is so kind and always makes me smile!”
TAYLOR ECKERSON | Chief of Staff
Taylor, The Vertical Harvest Team recognizes you for your amazing dedication, positive attitude, and get-‘er-done capabilities! Thanks for all that you do for Vertical Harvest, we are so lucky to have you on our team!
“Taylor is the glue that keeps us all together. Not only are her organizational skills INCREDIBLE she also has the grace and the grit that keeps the team empowered and moving in a forward direction. Taylor’s kindness, compassion and leadership are all attributes that make her a wonderful team member and that embody the heart of Vertical Harvest! “
“Taylor is a hard worker. She is always positive. When you see Taylor she always has the biggest smile”
“Taylor is Vertical Harvest’s omniscient beacon of light. She’s the ultimate team member, a pillar of positivity, and an overall BADA$$. She helps guide all aspects of our team with grace and poise, while lifting us all up along the way. She keeps our tribe charging forward in the right direction and brings more to the table than she will ever give herself credit for. She is a warrior in our pursuit of Vertical Harvest making our mark on the world and we are lucky to have her on this journey!”
CHRIS ECKERSON | Facilities Manager
“Chris already fits seamlessly into our team and has brought so much determination to improve our systems.”
“Chris’s hard work and willingness to take on new tasks makes him a rockstar in the greenhouse. His calm presence and can-do attitude is a great asset for the team!”
“He takes on any challenge with a smile and determination to figure it out.”
EMILY PETERSON | Sales Director
“Emily is respectful, open-minded, extremely dedicated, and fun to work with.”
“She has very effective communication and problem-solving skills. She is always a very calming presence to be around.“
“Emily’s passion about what we do and grow is evident in all of her aspects of work!”
TY WARNER | Farm Associate
“His laugh and smile can easily light up a room.”
“Ty has one of the best work ethics that I’ve ever seen.”
“He is a hard worker who has an energetic high for life.”
SEAN STONE | Senior Facilities Associate
“It is the thoughtfulness he puts into everything he does that makes him an amazing co-worker. “
“Always willing to take on new challenges and responsibilities, Sean consistently represents the ‘professional growth’ pillar of the Grow Well model. “