Farewell Jackson Whole Grocer — Hello Whole Foods Market
While it is always hard to say goodbye to a long-standing local business like Jackson Whole Grocer, Vertical Harvest is very excited to welcome Whole Foods Market to Jackson. Whole Foods Market’s commitment to the community and the environment…

Vertical Harvest Profile in Feast and Field
Feast and Field just gets us. A wonderful new article from this online publication truly captures the Vertical Harvest story. From our dedicated employees, to our farm's unique architectural design, to our social impact mission and expansion…

Our Most Diverse Farm Share Ever: Order Now!
Based on the meal-driven concept of our new Crisp Cuisine Boxes, Vertical Harvest's 2021 Spring Farm Share series will be the most diverse to ever fill your fridge.
Each week you will get something exciting and different from…

Changemaker of the Month: Sawyer Lucas-Griffin.
Sawyer works as Job Support for Farm Associate Ty Warner. She helps him evolve his skills and master more and more complex farming tasks. Sawyer is dedicated and innovative in her work to help Ty become independent in all aspects of his…

Recipe: Sardine Toast with Teton Tomatoes and Citrus Blend
These tasty mouthfuls are a notch above your classic bruschetta — with the addition of salty sardines, and replacing basil with our zippy Citrus Blend. The recipe below makes 8 servings, so you'll need to adjust up depending on the size…

Expanding Our DEI Commitment
While Vertical Harvest has always held a deep commitment to Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI), we’ve realized that, just like with anything else, if you don’t keep something on the front burner, it will get moved to the back.

Introducing the Crisp Cuisine Boxes!
Get fresh inspiration for your kitchen creations with our 4 new Crisp Cuisine boxes. Each comes with recipe ideas and the perfect fresh mix of produce. Buy individually or purchase a 4-week subscription and try them all.
Watch for a series…

Behind the Scenes with the Grow Well Model: An Interview with Caroline Croft-Estay
Caroline Croft Estay, Vertical Harvest Co-Founder and Director of Diversity and Inclusion, developed and continually evolves the company's groundbreaking employment model, Grow Well. The blog team sat down with Caroline to learn…

Changemaker of the Month: Robin Van Houten
Robin joined the Vertical Harvest team in August 2018. He started as an integrated pest management associate on the tomato floor and has worked his way up to tomato crop manager and assistant production manager.
Robin embodies compassion,…

Podcasts as an Team Development Tool
Podcasts are ubiquitous nowadays. From politics, to food, to music, to social impact issues, they cover every subject under the sun. When once folks had to pay for scheduled lectures or take classes, podcasts have opened the door…

Daikon Microgreen: February Microgreen of the Month
Daikon microgreen is our February microgreen of the month. It's the green that adds the biggest zip to our Spicy Mix and certainly ranks near the top as a customer favorite. It may be a slight exaggeration, but it also seems that just about…

Changemaker of the Month: Thibaud Sanchez
Thibaud started at Vertical Harvest three years ago as a Farm Associate in the Microgreens department. When Covid hit, he moved into a remote role as our diversity and inclusion associate, helping to facilitate trainings on workplace equity.